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Your personal data and YUJ

At YUJ, we believe that you should have control over your data. This is the direction we are taking, bearing in mind that we still have a long way to go. Apart from the few legal obligations to which we are subject, only you can accept that they are used by YUJ.

Personal data refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, directly or indirectly, thanks to an identifier or to one or more elements specific to his identity. It can be for example a name, a first name, an email address, a location, an identity card number, an IP address, a photo, etc. .

The data you entrust to us is processed by YUJ-Yoga with style SAS, 11 rue Edmond Valentin, 75007 Paris.

You can find on this page all the processing related to your personal data.

All the information in your account is only used within the framework of your commercial relationship with This information is never shared with third parties or resold. If we sometimes rely on subcontractors, they only act on our own behalf and in accordance with our instructions. Finally, your banking information is never in our possession. Transactions are entirely processed by Paypal or by our partner's secure payment module. The Site uses cookies (connection cookies) which the user is informed of when arriving on the website, which allow information relating to the navigation of the computer on the website to be recorded. These cookies are installed only after acceptance by the user, the continuation of the navigation on the website being worth acceptance. The user can oppose the use of these cookies by configuring his browser, knowing that access to certain services may require the prior acceptance by the user of cookies.

    The processing of your personal data is implemented only after obtaining your consent.

    Your data is only intended for YUJ: our marketing department, our customer relations center, etc. If our subcontractors process your data, they only do so for data hosting purposes, but also to allow us to inform you whether or not your reviews are published, and finally for analysis purposes. , and only on instructions from YUJ.
    Upon judicial requisition, this data may also be transferred to the authorities (police, gendarmerie, etc.).

    We collect and process your personal data in order to manage your purchase (we may need your delivery or billing address for example) and to avoid fraudulent purchases (For example we want to prevent payment with a stolen credit card ).

    To find out more, we present to you on a case-by-case basis how we process your data during your purchases on our website.

    The duration of the conversation

    The data sent to our delivery service providers is kept for 1 year after the delivery of your order. All other data related to orders are kept for 10 years. The data linked to your bank card is kept for 12 months.

    Data recipients

    In order to process your order or answer your questions, some of our departments may access your data: IT, the customer relations center, our in-store teams, our internal logistics. We also use subcontractors for technical purposes such as hosting or for delivery purposes. Their access is strictly supervised by YUJ. They do not have the possibility of using your data for purposes other than the execution of their service.

    Upon judicial requisition, this data may also be transferred to the authorities (police, gendarmerie, etc.)

    Legal basis of processing

    You have placed an order with YUJ. In “legal” terms, this is called a contract. To fulfill our part of the contract, we need to process your personal data.

    Data processed

    We process the data that allows the payment of your items as well as their delivery (your last name, first name, delivery address and tracking number). Your email and telephone allow you to be notified of the progress of your order.

    Your rights

    You can request to consult and rectify your personal data. Just send us an email at

    The fact of entrusting us with your data does not mean that you lose control of them, quite the contrary!

    You have several rights. Some are applicable to all data processing concerning you, others depend on the type of processing implemented and, more specifically, the legal basis on which it is based (contract, legal obligation, consent, legitimate interest, etc.).

    You will find below a brief description of these rights as well as the terms of their implementation.

    The right of access:

    This right allows you to ask us questions about the nature of the processing concerning you (type of data, origin of the collection, etc.). It also allows you to ask us for a copy of all information about you. This right applies regardless of the legal basis of the processing concerning you.

    The right of rectification:

    Moving, marriage,... there are many situations that may lead you to update your data. The right of rectification serves precisely that. This right applies regardless of the legal basis of the processing concerning you.

    The right to object:

    It is the right to say “no!” , the right not to be included in a data processing or to no longer be included in it. This right applies when the processing is based on the "legitimate interest" of YUJ, provided that this interest is not "compelling".

    Right to erasure:

    It is the right to be forgotten. YUJ has no reason to retain your data beyond what is necessary. All data concerning you is therefore automatically deleted on expiry of the retention period announced when your data was collected.
    When your data is subject to processing based on your consent or on the legitimate (non-compelling) interest of YUJ, you can obtain the early deletion of your data by writing to us at

    Right to portability:

    This right allows you to request to obtain data concerning you, as soon as they are processed based on your consent or a contractual relationship. What is the difference with the right of access? We have the obligation to send you the data in a format that can be used technically by you or by an entity other than YUJ.

    Right to restriction:

    This right is a complementary right to some of the other rights set out above. In fact, it allows you to "freeze" your data after a request for rectification, for example. In case of doubt about the legality of one of our processing operations, this right would allow you to ask our teams to no longer process your data, but without erasing them. Finally, if you wish to have your rights recognized, exercised or defended in court, you could also request, thanks to this right, to have your personal data "frozen". For any questions do not hesitate to contact us !

    In order for your request to be managed as efficiently as possible, remember:

    • to indicate to us the treatment(s) concerned by your request
    • to tell us the right(s) you wish to exercise
    • to provide us with any information enabling us to ensure that the author of the request is indeed the person concerned by the processing (last order number, date of birth entered, etc.)

    If, despite all our efforts, you believe that your rights have not been respected, know that you have the possibility of seizing the CNIL:

    For more information about our cookie policy, you can refer to the following page:

    Chat & Online Discussions

    This website uses Tidio, a chat platform that connects users with YUJ customer support. We collect email addresses/names/phone numbers only with users' consent, in order to start the chat. The messages and data exchanged are stored within the Tidio application. For more information, please see their privacy policy.
    YUJ does not use these messages or data other than to track registered user issues or requests. Your personal data will be processed and transmitted in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).