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General conditions of sale YUJ YOGA +



This site, accessible on (hereinafter the “Site”), is published by the company YUJ YOGA WITH STYLE, SAS with capital of €105,911, whose head office is located at 11 rue Edmond Valentin 75007 Paris, registered with the RCS Paris under number 79990057600015 and whose intra-community VAT number is FR19 79 9900576.

For any information or advice, the user of the Site (hereinafter the “User”) can contact YUJ+ via


The Director of publication of the Site is Madame Hélène Duval, in her capacity as president of YUJ.

Terms of Sales

WARNING: This site aims to promote the use of legal videos while respecting the rights of all authors. Respect copyrights. The unauthorized reproduction of protected content (music, photos, etc.) regardless of the medium and format is an offense. Exceptions to this principle are defined exhaustively and restrictively by law. We invite you to read it and systematically check the extent of the rights you have.

YUJ YOGA + is an exclusive brand owned by the company YUJ - YOGA WITH STYLE – Paris (France)

The purpose of these General Subscription Conditions (hereinafter “CGV”) is to define the conditions under which the Subscriber can subscribe to and use the YUJ YOGA + Service, published and offered by the company YUJ YOGA, a simplified joint stock company. with a single shareholder with share capital of xxx euros registered with the Paris RCS under number xxx and whose head office is located at 11 rue Edmond Valentin, 75007 Paris, represented by Hélène Duval in her capacity as President.

YUJ+ is a video-on-demand service whose purpose is to make available by package, program and/or subscription (respectively “TVOD” and “SVOD” and collectively “VOD”), audiovisual classes in yoga, meditation and others. disciplines. The service will be marketed under the “YUJ+” brand. and distributed via the internet on computers, tablets and smartphones as well as through applications downloadable from the Android and App stores.


In the General Terms and Conditions the terms defined below will have the following meaning:

“User”: designates a person who has reached the legal age of majority in the territory in which they live and who has subscribed to a program for the Service offered by the Company;

“Member”: user who has registered on the Website;

“Service”: designates the subscription Service entitled “YUJ+”, accessible on the Website to Subscribers/Subscribers and offering in particular streaming viewing of the video content offered;

“Website”: refers to the website <>

“SVOD”: Subscription video-on-demand service;

“User”: User of the Service, whether Subscriber or Member.

“OTT”: The delivery through pre-existing channels (telephone line networks, wireless networks or bandwidth, etc.), of delinearized video and self-distributed media streams, via specific connected terminals interfacing between the consumer and the screen of reception (e.g. Smart TV, iTunes, etc.) or by pure player services.


The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions is to:

Define the conditions and terms governing the subscription to the various programs offered on “YUJ YOGA +” provided to the Subscriber by the company YUJ YOGA.

Determine the rights and obligations of the Parties.

The company may make any modifications it deems necessary to the Service. The applicable General Terms and Conditions will then be the last conditions that the Subscriber will have accepted when connecting to the Service.


These General Terms and Conditions come into force from their acceptance by the User, at the time of creation of their account.



Subscription to the Service is conditional on the prior creation of a personal account on the website necessary for ordering and payment for the Service, as well as effective payment of the subscription/program. In the event that a subscription/program payment is not honored, YUJ+ reserves the right to immediately suspend access to the Service.

The Customer must be of legal age on the day of subscribing to the Service. This being linked to the purchase of paid Services, they are exclusively reserved for persons legally capable of concluding contracts. Minors can only subscribe to the Service under the supervision of an adult.

In the event that the User is a minor, he or she must have parental authorization in order to subscribe to the Offer and/or purchase Content on the Site.

YUJ+ being a remote Service, the company YUJ YOGA is not able to evaluate the physical or mental capacities of Users using the Service, nor to control the information transmitted by them during registration or through the assessment tests. YUJ+ strongly recommends that the User consult their doctor with a view to obtaining a certificate of aptitude for the practice of the disciplines taught. The User expressly acknowledges having been informed prior to consuming the Service.

Any other information, advice and/or results are in no way intended to constitute or replace medical advice. YUJ+ does not in any way guarantee a medical or sporting result.

YUJ+ disclaims all liability in the event of accidents, injuries or damage of any kind which could result from the practice by Users of the exercises presented in the on-demand video sessions broadcast on the Site.

Compliance with safety instructions is the exclusive responsibility of the User concerned.


The Service is accessible on the Website <> on all internet browsers, via applications downloadable from Android and App stores and in “nomadic mode”;


The user will obtain a subscription form on the Website which they will complete with their personal information.

The Subscriber's username and password are personal and confidential. The User undertakes not to disclose them and to take all necessary measures to preserve this confidentiality. Consequently, the Subscriber will be responsible for any activity or action on his account.

Once validated the subscription form, the User accepts these General Terms and Conditions and will then be redirected to the payment page in order to conclude their subscription to the Service.


The Company reserves the right not to validate the subscription for any legitimate reason, in particular in the event that:

The User's payment method would not be valid.

The company notes that there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous Purchase by the User.


The subscriptions offered involve payment by the User of 10 euros per month without commitment Or 100 euros per year.

A one-month trial period is valid for all new Subscribers.

The Company will not grant any pro rata reimbursement for partial use of the Service. Once payment has been made, the Subscriber will benefit from the content for the subscribed period.



For the monthly offer, the price of the Subscription is deducted each month, on the anniversary date of the Subscription (corresponding to 1 month after the date of registration for the Service and from the payment information that the The Subscriber will have provided information during their Subscription and can find it in their customer account, under the heading “My account”. No deductions will be made during the trial period.

Therefore, the Subscriber is required to update and/or modify his bank details via his account, “Manage my subscription” section, particularly in the event that the validity of the details expires.

For the annual offer, full payment of the subscription is made from the date of registration. The price is 100€ for one year or 2 months free.

At the end of the subscribed period, the subscription is automatically renewed.


The user will be able to view the videos offered unlimitedly over the subscribed period.


In accordance with article L. 221-28 1° of the Consumer Code, the User cannot exercise his right of withdrawal in the context of the supply of digital content not provided on a material medium whose execution has started after express prior agreement of the Customer and express waiver of his right of withdrawal. Acceptance by the User of these General Terms and Conditions constitutes a waiver of his right of withdrawal, the User cannot rely on article L 221-28 1° of the Consumer Code.

The User may cancel their subscription at any time.

Monthly subscription: Any termination during the period terminates access to the platform immediately. The remainder of the current period will not be refunded.

Annual subscription: The commitment period is one year. Any termination during the period terminates access to the platform immediately. No refund will be made for any termination during the period.



In accordance with the regulations on the protection of personal data, the User is informed that the Company, as data controller, implements processing of personal data concerning him which is the subject of a declaration to of the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (Cnil) (<>).

The Company YUJ YOGA guarantees the User compliance with the legal and regulatory obligations incumbent on them with regard to the protection of personal data, particularly in terms of cross-border flows outside the European Union.


The Company YUJ YOGA, responsible for the processing, implements the processing of personal data concerning the Subscriber of the General Terms and Conditions.

The personal data concerned by said processing are as follows:

First and last name of the User; email address

The data collected is essential for this processing and is intended for the relevant Services of the Yoga YUJ+ company as well as, where applicable, its subcontractors or service providers.

The User is informed on each personal data collection form of the mandatory or optional nature of the responses by the presence of an asterisk (*). If mandatory information is not provided, registration on the site cannot be finalized.

If the User accepts it, when creating their member account, special offers or promotional emails may be sent to them.

In application of current legislation, the Subscriber has a right of access, rectification or erasure, limitation of the processing of your data, a right of opposition, a right to portability of your data as well as the right to define directives relating to the fate of your data after your death, which is exercised by email to or by post to the attention of YUJ Paris 5bis Rue Kepler – 75116 Paris, accompanied by a copy of an identity document.


The Company recognizes that all personal data is subject to compliance with regulations on the protection of personal data.

The Company undertakes to take the necessary measures required by the User to ensure the security of the processing of personal data, in accordance with the regulations on the protection of personal data.


When you browse the Site and the Application, cookies are placed on your computer, mobile or tablet. These cookies are intended to facilitate navigation on the site and to study its uses, particularly for statistical purposes.

What is a cookie ?

A cookie (or connection witness) is a text file that may be recorded, subject to your choices, in a dedicated space on the hard drive of your terminal (computer, tablet, etc.) when consulting a online service using your navigation software. It is transmitted by a website's server to your browser.

Each cookie is assigned an anonymous identifier. The cookie file allows its issuer to identify the terminal in which it is recorded during the validity or recording period of the cookie concerned.

A cookie cannot be traced back to a natural person. The information collected through these cookies remains anonymous.

How do we use them?

The cookies placed by YUJ YOGA + have several uses depending on their category:

- User session cookies

User session cookies store the information that you have duly completed on the forms made available on the platform.

- User authentication cookies

Authentication cookies allow you to access your account, using the identifiers you have previously given us.

- Security cookies

These cookies allow security measures to be implemented, for example when you are asked to log in to our platform again after a certain period of time.

- Analytical cookies

Analytical cookies allow us to know the use and performance of our Services, to improve their operation and to better adapt to your expectations. To do this, they trace your journey in order to establish visit statistics.

- Cookies for personalizing our Services

Personalization cookies for our Services allow us to adapt the presentation of our Services to the display preferences of your Terminal (display resolution, operating system used, etc.) during your use of our Services, depending on the hardware. and the viewing or reading software that your Terminal includes.

* Social cookies:

Social network cookies allow you to share the content of our site with other people or to make your opinion on site content known to third parties. On our site, certain sharing buttons are integrated via third-party applications that can issue this type of cookies. The social network providing such an application button may identify you using this button, even if you did not use this button when visiting our site. Indeed, this type of application button can allow the social network concerned to follow your navigation on our site, simply because your account with the social network concerned is activated on your terminal (open session) during your navigation on our site.

We invite you to consult the privacy protection policies of these social networks in order to learn about the purposes of use, particularly advertising, of the browsing information that they can collect using these application buttons. These protection policies must allow you to exercise your choices with these social networks, in particular by configuring your usage accounts on each of these networks.

You can object to the installation of these cookies at any time. We inform you that opposing the installation of these cookies on your receiving terminal may alter and degrade your browsing and use of the site.



The information provided by the Subscriber must be fair, accurate and complete. The company reserves the right not to authorize or maintain access to the Service in the event of non-compliance with these requirements.


By using the Service, the User undertakes to use it responsibly in accordance with all the provisions of these CGA and in compliance with the laws in force.

The User undertakes in particular to use the Service in accordance with the terms and conditions authorized by these CGA; not to use the Service for illegal purposes; not to make commercial use of the information, services and content provided on the Service; not to spread malware, Trojan horses or viruses, and not to impersonate a Subscriber or use an account that does not belong to them.

The User is required to respect the provisions of law no. 78-17 relating to data processing, files and freedoms of January 6, 1978 as amended, violation of which is punishable by criminal sanctions. In particular, it must refrain from any collection, any misuse and, generally speaking, any act likely to harm the privacy or reputation of individuals.


The Company makes every effort to offer Users available and verified information or tools, but cannot be held responsible for:


The content of the site, the general structure as well as the software, texts, animated or non-animated images, photographs, its know-how and all other elements making up the site are the exclusive property of YUJ+ or third parties who have granted it the necessary rights. .

These General Terms and Conditions do not imply any transfer of any kind of intellectual property rights over elements belonging to the company or entitled to such as sounds, videos, photographs, images, literary texts, artistic works, software, brands, graphic charters. , logos for the benefit of the User.

The User is prohibited in particular from modifying, copying, reproducing, downloading, broadcasting, transmitting, commercially exploiting and/or distributing in any way whatsoever the Services, the audiovisual content, the pages of the site, or the computer codes of the elements composing the Service.

Any reproduction and/or representation, total or partial, of one of these rights, without the express authorization of the Company, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement likely to incur the civil and criminal liability of the infringer.

Consequently, the User refrains from any action and any act likely to directly or indirectly infringe the intellectual property rights of the company.

The same applies to the databases appearing, where applicable, on the Website which are protected by the articles of the Intellectual Property Code.

The distinctive signs of the company and its partners, such as domain names, brands, denominations as well as logos appearing on the Service are protected by the Intellectual Property Code. Any total or partial reproduction of these distinctive signs made from elements of the site without express authorization from YUJ+ is therefore prohibited, within the meaning of the Intellectual Property Code.

Only use consistent with the intended purpose of this site is authorized.

All other uses not expressly authorized in writing and in advance by YUJ+ are prohibited and constitute counterfeiting.

The User guarantees the Company against any action, complaint, demand or opposition from any person invoking an intellectual property right or an act of unfair and/or parasitic competition to which a comment from the Subscriber would have infringed and will bear the responsibility for the costs incurred by the Company to initiate its defense and possible convictions.


Disputes that could possibly arise between the User and the Company will be the subject of an attempt at amicable resolution before any action.

This clause is legally independent of this contract. It continues to apply despite the possible nullity, resolution, termination or annihilation of these contractual relations.


These General Terms and Conditions of the Service are governed by French law.

This is the case for the substantive rules and the formal rules, notwithstanding the places of performance of the substantial or accessory obligations.